The Children's Life Centers are local community outreach centers that are open to children and their families of all faiths and beliefs. The Centers are the base of operations for all local ministry for those who will come to the Centers to receive all they offer and for all the outreaches that come out of the Centers to minister to them spiritually, physically, emotionally, materially, financially, and educationally. All of this while living and ministering in a sustained revival in the Power, Presence, Fire & Glory of the Holy Spirit resting upon the Center, ministers, missionaries and all those who come.
Depending on the country, culture, and local government the goal for each Center is that it will offer through its trained and equipped ministry workers, the love of Jesus in action. This will be accomplished as the need arises in a cooked meal, food supplies, water, clothing, showers, prayer ministry for deliverance, healing and wholeness, discipleship, pastoral care and counsel, preschool to high school education. English language classes, fitness fun and nutrition instruction, small business and micro farming training will be offered when applicable. Whenever possible each Center as a local community center will have a kitchen and cafeteria, rooms to house our workers, outdoor areas for a playground, school and job training activities with a small soccer field and basketball and volleyball courts.
The planting of a Center will come through our (CLIU) Children's Life International University students and grads. They will be sent into areas of children in deep poverty. They will go into the areas first with evangelistic outreaches and mercy ministry through our Kid's Life Clubs. Once the children and some of their adult family members begin to get saved then there will be Family Discipleship Groups established in local homes among them to meet the spiritual needs for discipleship as well as continuing the mercy ministry. When there are several Family Discipleship Groups established then a Children's Life Center will be planted in the area to meet the greater needs of the whole community. The reverse can happen also.
A Center will be planted to meet the needs of the local area they are in and that could take on other forms as God leads.
For those who are or become new Christians in each Center they will also be placed in Family Discipleship Groups set up in the local homes to give spiritual care and discipleship.
Again, our goal is to attempt to meet as many local children's and family’s needs as possible by demonstrating the love of Jesus in action and not in words only.
It is evangelism, mercy ministry and discipleship by love.
2024 FREE Lunches &
Backpacks with School Supplies
Through our US travels we have learned some new ways to reach poor and hungry children.
It is our desire that once in the Philippines and settled to reach children in Elementary Schools with Kid's Life Clubs as well as free lunches.
Then in the summer months when there isn't a any school we desire to have free lunches at our Center but until that is planted, to have ways to distribute lunches to them in the empoverished areas Mondays- Fridays.
At the beginning of each new school year we would also like to be able to supply new backpacks full of school supplies to all the children who need them.