Equipping a Generation With the the Word of God, to Minister
in the Power of the Spirit & Bring Them into His Presence
God has transitioned Pastors Steve & Phoebe into a new season of life & ministry. They will no longer be doing international missions work or traveling the US anymore. They will be settling in one place and planting roots. They will be training & equipping others for national & international missions work while still ministering to their church in the Philippines through equipping the leadership, prayer and supplying needs as possible.
So, since the ministry for them will be in the US there will be adjustments being made to the vision to fit the needs of children & their families in the US.
We will begin by ministering to unchurched 6-11 year olds through PowerClub Kids on Sunday mornings.
We will no longer focus only on kids who are poor but will still meet their needs. Any child whose parents will allow them to come to the PowerClub Kidsare welcome.
As interest and growth increases, we will be offering ministry to the parents and whole family who don’t have a home church.
There will be access to food and clothing through the HELP House Community Outreach in London, OH which Pastor Steve is cofounder.
Steve & Phoebe are graduates of the KIMI Supernatural School of Ministry.