The name is based on GEN meaning Generations & 217 representing the prophecy from Acts 2:17 and again promised in Acts 2:39b with both being multigenerational promises of the outpouring and baptism of the Holy Spirit and Fire.
​As a spiritual father & mother to spiritual sons & daughters we follow what the Apostle Paul said in “1 Corinthians 4:15 NASB 15 For if you were to have countless tutors in Christ, yet you would not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel.” As the Apostle Paul fathered his son Timothy (1Timothy 1:18) so will we minister to and mentor our spiritual sons & daughters in Jesus, the Word, the Holy Spirit and with our decades of life, ministry and missions experience.
Equipping a Generation of Spiritual Sons & Daughters to Live Like Jesus Lived & Do What Jesus Did with the Word of God, in the Baptism of Holy Spirit & Fire and Sustained Revival
It is a Vision to see all our spiritual sons & daughters come from those we personally bring to Jesus and those who will join us after already being saved and desire to have a spiritual father & mother to mentor them in their Christian life and ministry.
It is a Vision to see all our spiritual sons & daughters become disciples of Jesus that will make disciples and become spiritual parents that will have their own spiritual sons & daughters, and many generations of spiritual fathers & mothers and sons & daughters will follow. Our Discipleship Groups are one way this will happen.
It is a Vision to see all our spiritual sons & daughters be taught how to develop a daily close intimate relationship with Jesus by Spirit of the Lord. They will be instructed on how to spend time with Him, minister to Him and come into His Presence to encounter Him as He really is by the Spirit. All of this so Jesus will become their first and greatest love and focus in life and ministry and remain that way.
It is a Vision to see all our spiritual sons & daughters become radical, hungry, yielded, laid down lovers, wholly given with reckless devotion to Jesus as Lord & Savior who will live like He lived and do what He did in sustained revival at any cost as His Firebrands.
It is a Vision to see all our spiritual sons & daughters learn how to study, meditate on speak and pray the Word of God. They will all learn how prepare basic teachings and Bible studies that they can use for friends, family and anyone else God brings to them. Those with a five-fold calling will be asked to teach classes from our course materials and teach or preach from a Word the Spirit gives to them. This all will be done in front of the whole class and us their spiritual parents many times. They will also be asked to prepare video and audio recordings to present to us and the class and receive Godly fun, positive and gentle critique from us all.
It is a Vision to see all our spiritual sons & daughters trained and equipped for fulltime ministry in the world they live in for one-on-one evangelism by the Holy Spirit, how move in the 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit from 1 Corinthians 12, signs and wonders of the Holy Spirit and how to make disciples that will all do the same. We believe every Christian is called into full-time ministry to those that God has placed around them, those He sends them to and those He brings to them. Then for those with the calling they will also be trained and equipped in the five-fold offices of Ephesian 4 and the gifts of Romans 12 as the Spirit leads. They will attend our second school called, “Church Planting & Leadership School.” Ephesians 4:11 NKJV 11 And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers."
It is a Vision to see all our spiritual sons & daughters on a regular basis be personally ministered by us their spiritual parents and prayed for as the Spirit wills. We will fellowship and answer any questions they have about life or ministry with wise biblical counsel and from our decades of life and ministry experience. Communication can happen in person, by phone or online. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we will attempt to reproduce in our spiritual sons & daughters all that God has placed in us over many decades of life and ministry. This is why this relationship can last a lifetime.