Holy Spirit & Fire Gathers
Holy Spirit & Fire Gatherings are corporate gatherings locally & online for our Discipleship Groups, students attending our schools and anyone else who wants to encounter the Fiery Presence of the Holy Spirit in sustained revival. These will be mostly held on weekends in the day or night time as the Spirit leads.
The Gatherings begin with radical prayer with worship for the Fire of God to come and for the Spirit to have His way and do what ever He wants. Once He's here then only God knows all the wonerful things He will say and do with His preaching & teaching of the Word, signs, wonders & miracles, salvations, healings, deliverances and lives radically touch by the Fiery Manifest Presence of God and changed forever.
As the ministry grows there will be trained Ministry Teams to pray for the sick and oppressed and for the impartation of the Power of the Holy Spirit to come in Baptisms of Love & Power to radically transform lives and ministries..
Until then Pastors Steve & Phoebe will do all the ministry while equipping those who are ready.