Deliverance Videos & Materials
All the videos and materials on this page are required for all Children's Life International leaders, Ministry Team Members, Network leaders and all University students. Personal one-on-one sessions might also be needed for greater freedom.
Anyone who will seriously go through all the materials on this page study the materials and pray with them on the videos when they pray, you will receive a lot of freedom especially with the mass deliverance videos. If you find you are still struggling with certain issues afterwards we suggest you contact us for personal prayer for deliverance.
Can a Christian be Demonized?​
Spiritual Cleansing- Jeannette Connell
We have attended Jeanette's ministry in NM and have gone through Spiritual Cleansing.
We are a member of Her Apostolic Network.
We have studied her materials and have found that Spiritual Cleansing is one of the best in deliverance ministry.
We recommend that you purchase all the books on the attached page link and study them thoroughly and also watch her on her YouTube channel.
All of our staff, team members, University and Network associates will be required to read these books and go through the videos of a Spiritual Cleansing Weekend teachings of Jeannette Connell and especially the last Mass Deliverance Prayer video. They will also go through personal deliverance sessions for a more complete freedom and to become a part of of any ministry of Children's Life International.
All of this is for the protection of the ministry, all or our members and those we will minister to.
The 2 Books Linked to this
are Required for all Children's Life International Leaders, Ministry Team Members, Network Leaders & members and University Students
FREE Spiritual Cleansing Manual
Use With All Videos
Print out if possible to make notes in for future study and ministry.
Watch all videos as many times as you need, take notes and follow through the above Spiritual Cleansing manual.
Take 10 days to complete all of this before any personal sessions can be made for deeper personal Spiritual Mapping and Delivernace.
Just turn off the smart phone, computer and TV and you will find the time to watch the videos and go through the manual. It might be those very trhings causing some of your bondage!
Pray that God gives you the grace to complete all of this. It's for your good and if young enough the generations after you.