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Recommended Teachings & Resources

Every church and ministry has their gifting's from God which gives them anointing and strength in those areas. No one church or ministry has all that is needed for the Church and world. That's why we are all as one called a Body that has many members and different gifting's.

Our giftings and strengths are to minister to the needs of children and their families, to equip others for the same ministry, evangelism, outreaches, missions, teaching preaching and church leadership and planting.

We teach but are not gifted with the teaching gift. So knowing this we have provided for you the best teachings and resources we can find that will deal with many areas of Christian life and ministry.

According to your hunger for God, desire to know and follow God will be proven by your time in prayer and study.


All materials can be purchased at the link connected to the pictures of the books or at the website of those who wrote to books.

*We are not connected to or affiliated with any of the ministries whos resources we present to you unless otherwise stated.

PLEASE READ For those who are UTN students outside the US many of these materials can be purchased in Kindle form on and read on a smart phone, tablet, laptop and desktop computer. Some of the ministries off PDF versions and even ship outside the US. If you can't obtain the materials this way or are having financial problems we will offer other options.

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